Sunday, 24 July 2011

"Have you ever grown your own food? Has that changed the eating experience?"


Yesterday, I walked onto my balcony to water my two beautiful F-1 tomato plants that I've been growing this summer, to discover that i had a very nice and plump beefsteak tomato that was ready for the plucking. I thought about it and decided that I would just have to eat it fresh, to really get the most out of it. I feel as though nothing could be better than growing your own food.  You have the guarantee that they will be pesticide free, organic, what ever you deem necessary.   When I first bought my two tomato plants I hadn't read The Omnivores Dilemma, and after reading in a few chapters I found out what the F-1 on the tag actually meant. I was a little dissapointed that the delicous tomato I enjoyed so throughly was actually a first generation plant mutation, but I got over it after I took a bite. 

Unfortunately here in the city it is a little difficult to completely sustain yourself on food you grow, but when i finish school and have a few free hours on my hands i plan to explore toronto as a hunter gatherer.  I've heard the don valley has plenty of wild mushrooms, and even fiddleheads when they're in season. 

So in conclusion, the overall eating experience when you grow your own food changes it completely.  The feeling of accomplishment is almost overwelming, never mind the taste!

Here is a picture of my beautiful tomatoes!

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