Tuesday, 19 July 2011

What is an “industrial eater”?


An industrial eater is what humans have become. Instead of eating raw corn and some natural derivatives like tortillas, humans consume strange contortions of corn or processed foods. It has gotten to the point where corn is no longer a plant but a structure of our society.

Sadly enough, this has created a huge industry known as the super market. Almost everyone goes there, but barely any of them are educated on what is actually in the food they are buy. Some people say they read the ingredients on the back, but does that really tell you what in your food? Do you (the consumer) really know what’s going on? The answer is most people don’t, hence the “industrial eater”.

As a whole, we eat what we are told to eat. And we don’t ask questions.

1 comment:

  1. We started reading your book in our class and we have just finished learning about how corn is in everything.
